Library service is free to residents of the town and township, or to those who own property within the township. Library service is available to persons outside the tax district through reciprocal borrowing agreements, PLAC cards, or payment of a non-resident fee. All persons are welcome to use the library’s materials within the library. The Kirklin Public Library serves patrons without regard to sex, religion, ethnic heritage, or any other factor.
Materials Circulation
Excluding Reference, local history materials, or materials deemed too fragile for circulation, the Kirklin Public Library circulates books and periodicals for two (2) weeks. Video materials circulate for two (2) days. Materials may be renewed twice unless there is a request pending. Fines for overdue materials are reviewed annually and posted prominently. The library is to be reimbursed for damage of loss of materials. Patrons must maintain good standing for continued circulation of materials. Libraries receiving reciprocal borrowers may request information about patron’s standing. The library will inquire about a potential reciprocal borrower before issuing a card for the Kirklin Public Library. Proof of residency may be required. A book return box is available when the library is closed.
Internet and Computer Use
The Kirklin Public Library offers public access to the Internet, allowing patrons to obtain worldwide information. Patrons agree to hold the Kirklin Public Library harmless and indemnify the library for any damages incurred. Any use of the library’s equipment must conform to acceptable use policies of other institutions and networks, as well as local rules. Failure to follow the rules will result in the loss of the privilege to use the library’s equipment. Patrons under the age of 18 must have a signed permission slip on file at the library. Parents or guardians of minors will be notified of any incident of prohibited behavior by their child. Also, Internet usage is limited to 30 minutes and may be extended for an additional period, if no one is waiting.
DVD and Blu-Ray
The DVD/Blu-Ray policy of the Kirklin Public Library applies to patrons under 18. If an item is labeled “G” or “PG”, any age patron may check it out. If it is labeled “PG-13” then you must be 13 years or older to check it out. Rated “R” materials are available only to patrons 18 years old and older.
Library Cards and Fees
Residents of Kirklin Township and reciprocal borrowers are welcome to a free library card. Proof of residence is required through a driver’s license, car registration, or current mail. The non-resident fee is equal to the taxpayers’ current fee. The fee for 2024 is $129.00. Patrons should notify the library of changes of address, phone number, or last name. Library services are terminated if you move out of the service area.
Late Fees
Books, periodicals, books on tape, and CD’s may be checked out for 2 weeks. Newly released DVDs may be checked out for three days; all other DVDs may be checked out for one week. Late fees for all items are $.25 per item per day. Fines MUST be paid, or checkout services will be stopped. For any “Lost” items you will be charged the cost of the item and the late fees. The Library is willing to work with patrons on replacement of lost items.
Genealogy Policy – Kirklin Public Library Historical Archive Project
This CD was published in 2000 and sells for $20.00. A quick search of the disc reveals: pictures of all graduating classes of Kirklin High School, a 1914 labeled picture of the Kingsolver/Whitaker families, a genealogy of the Kingsolver family, a genealogy of the Whitaker family, and cemeteries of Kirklin Township. You can also access this information on our website under the Archives tab.